
13 Audio Reviews

This may not be the best...

But why on earth does it only have 2.33?! This is way better than that! You used all the instrument tracks Masuda did that I can tell only at a quality slightly better than
the NDS. Perhaps not magnificent, but very well done.

Do I please you mother...?

This made escaping from that facility so much more epic in KOLM. I couldn't ask for anything more, it's excellent.


Toy Story, if it was a horror film. That's epic music man, I wish I was this good.

Oh man...

So much emotion. Very deep for only 2 1/2 minutes.


Yet, I can't comprehend the level of inspiration. It is a very emotional tune and soothing. It is both invigorating and pacifying. As if to say, "Cheer up, look at all the good things you have."

Another Story

I did this with "An Icy Gale" but I feel so inspired by the music. I really hope you don't mind. It is simply amazing work.

Snow blanketed the ground, soft and crunchy beneath my boots. Yet the unease I felt did not match the scenery. There, beneath a pine tree I saw a shape. With bated breath I drew near, and saw the snow around the shape was dyed bright red. Her pale face lay upturned in the snow, long black hair about her head like a mourner's veil, small red lips gasped for air as her chest heaved. My footsteps crunched as I rushed to her side. I knelt in the snow, clasping her hand as she reached for mine, her broken face stretched in a smile. Her green sweater was shredded, the scarf strewn to the side was torn apart, on her chest a deep red hole had been gouged by a bullet, and gushed blood with the beating of her heart. Her legs were bloody and bare, and my eyes could not bare the sight of them. I cradled her trembling frame in my arms, assuring her that things would be okay. She shook her head lightly. My eyes filled with stinging tears as I hugged her close. I had the ring, she had to live. I showed it to her. She kissed me on the mouth and said she would accept. Then she shook and her body went limp. I remained there. Numb and empty for the longest time.

Much props

Simply amazing. If this is a duel, I can barely tell where one part begins and ends. It has a fluid transition from light and adventurous to dark and foreboding. This is the scenario in my head:

The hero paraded confidently through the woods. Sunlight cast an emerald glow where it descended through the tall pine trees. With his sword and bow he was prepared to slay any ferocious beast that came his way. But as night drew close and further into the woods he progressed, he began to feel afraid. For this hero was only 5. His bow a plastic hanger and his arrows only sticks. The sword was a rolling pin, caked in flour and worn from use. The small boy cried as he looked up at the moon. The forest had claimed him and now he was lost, and he knew that it was there that he would die.


It reminds me of something from "Umineko no koro ni". Which makes it more awesome. It doesn't quite feel like a 10 - and for the life of me I cannot figure out why - but still it is a great song.

Well done

I get too many scenarios in my head to write. Inspirational, creepy, tranquil, and intimidating. A very rare combination, but this song embodies it. I tip my hat to you.


I.....I.....oh gosh. So...so...creepy. Higurashi would have been unwatchable if this were in it. There are no words to properly describe how awesomely dark and terrifying this is. Astounding work.

Age 32, Male

Joined on 3/7/09

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